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Differences between Corrective and Adaptive Maintenance

Objective and Purpose

Corrective maintenance and adaptive maintenance have different goals and purposes. Corrective maintenance is about fixing unexpected problems in a system so that it works normally again. It's a quick response to keep things running without any interruptions.

Adaptive software maintenance is more about making changes to a system so that it can keep up with new requirements, technologies, or what users want. Instead of just reacting to issues, adaptive maintenance focuses on planning ahead to make sure the system stays useful and effective over time. In short, corrective maintenance is about quick fixes, while adaptive software maintenance is about planning for the future.


Corrective maintenance jumps into action when something goes wrong in a system, like a sudden glitch or problem. People might notice this, or the system itself might send an alert. Then, the goal is to fix it quickly. But adaptive maintenance is different. When needs, technologies, or what people like start to shift, that's when adaptive maintenance kicks in. It involves getting ahead of the game and making changes before there's even a big issue.

Nature of Changes

Another way corrective maintenance and adaptive maintenance are different is in the changes they make to a system. Corrective maintenance is like a problem solver; it fixes specific issues so things can go back to normal. The changes are usually small and focused on just solving that one problem. After that, the system keeps working like it always did.

Adaptive maintenance, though, goes for bigger changes. It makes the system better overall so that it fits well with new technologies or changes in what people want. The changes in adaptive maintenance are bigger and cover more ground. The point is to keep the system working well for a long time by keeping up with how things are changing.

Scope and Complexity

Corrective maintenance is about solving quick problems in a small part of a system. The work here is simple and focused on just that one problem. Adaptive maintenance, though, goes bigger. It's like looking at the whole puzzle and changing some of the pieces to fit new ones. This kind of maintenance is more complicated because it involves looking at the whole system and making changes that fit what's happening now.

Bottom Line

To sum it up, corrective maintenance is all about solving software issues while adaptive maintenance means making smart changes to the software so it stays good with the shifts in business and tech. Both kinds of maintenance really matter to make sure software keeps working well for a long time.

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